Teen Naturalists: Photography at Prospect Park

Participants in the Teen Naturalists program had another great morning on January 21st at Prospect Park. Nine students and two parent helpers got close-up photos of all sorts of gorgeous waterfowl, including Hooded Mergansers, goldeneyes, Buffleheads, and Green-winged Teal. There was oohing and ahhing over a variety of songbird sightings, including Sharp-shinned Hawk, American Dipper, Belted Kingfisher, Bohemian Waxwing, Cedar Waxwing, and a number of nuthatches, woodpeckers, and chickadees. There was a whole lot of enthusiastic, focused energy for a 25° day during the depth of winter. Our group is expanding with three students coming from Denver, where they attend East High School. 


A Strange and Amazing Time With Dead Creatures


Teen Naturalists Plot Bald Eagle Roosts and Set Christmas Count Record