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Bringing the Natural History of Boulder County Bats to Light

Join Boulder County Audubon on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 to delve into the nocturnal and often enigmatic world of bats with Rick Adams.  In addition, to the fascinating talk by Rick, this meeting will include the BCAS Board elections and the presentation of the BCAS awards.  To nominate yourself or someone else, please write by 15 April 2020.


The true nature of bats is often eclipsed by mythology and weakly inferred links to zoonotic diseases, including COVID-19. We will discuss this along with the current research findings on bats in Boulder County including increasing populations of a recently established species, the tricolored bat; new findings on bat winter ecology; and how climate warming is affecting our local populations and their reproductive efforts. We will also discuss a newly discovered and fascinating link between bats and black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the foothills. After more than 30 years of research in Boulder County, every year brings new and compelling information on our magnificent nocturnal friends.


Rick Adams is Professor Emeritus at the University of Northern Colorado and Founder/President of the Colorado Bat Society. In addition to his work in Colorado, he has studied bats in far reaches of the globe such as South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, China, Belize and the Caribbean Islands. As Professor at UNC he has exposed dozens of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students to the wonderful world of bats and continues to conduct research. He has published more than 65 research articles, four books (including Bats of the Rocky Mountain West) and is Associate Editor for the journal Acta Chiropterologica, a publication of the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Photos courtesy of Rick Adams

When: Tuesday, May 25, 2021.   The presentation starting at 7:15 PM. Everyone is encouraged to join early to work through any connection issues (the meeting room will be open at ~7:00 PM).

Where: This meeting will be held online. All participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting room. The chat feature will be on so you can write questions for the speaker.

Meeting ID: 840 2785 0976

Passcode: 075163

Or by phone for audio:
346 248 7799 or 669 900 6833

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